Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WSS 3.0 / MOSS Region settings

I'll get straight to it. If you live outside of the US you may have noticed that your WSS 3.0 / MOSS server maybe defaulted to the US region settings. Diplaying dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format. Being an Aussie we like our dates in the dd/mm/yyyy format. After a bit of poking around I found this.

You can change this by going to this layout page: http://sharepointServer:22335/_layouts/regionalsetng.aspx

Obviously change your server name and port number. This can also be done for your Central Admin.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sharepoint Solution Deployment Failure

Hi everyone,
I came across an issue where a Sharepoint solution failed to complete it's deployment. Leaving me in a state where I had no options, only an error message in Central admin:

I found this post. But that didn't help me.

What did help were these two STSADM commands:
STSADM -o enumdeployments
STSADM -o canceldeployment -id *your guid here*

Get the ID from the first command and place it into the
*your guid here* bit.

This is just a clean up. Not a fix. But it's better than leaving something in a stuck state.

Good luck!
